Term 1 Update

Mrs Uney here.

I have now got my head around the blog and thought I should do an update. I have taken lots of picture of our learning journey so far and wanted to share some of what we have been doing. Term 1 has gone so quickly and the class have worked super hard. I hope you enjoy our pictures and will update more when I have them.

We have been working on our numbers this term. Everyone is learning to write and count up to 100.

We have also looked at new strategies for helping us with addition and subtraction. Using a number line we have learned to hop and count on or back. 

As a composite class some of us did not know each other, however, we have been working together in a lot of activities and getting to know each other better. In these pictures we were sorting cards to show our morning routine. This then helped us in our writing task that day. 

In Primary 2/3 we are very creative. In this lesson we were looking at sorting our initials into alphabetical order. This has helped us not only learn our alphabet but recognise capital letters. 

If you get to peek into our classroom these letters have been displayed on our wall and are very colourful.


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