
Showing posts from December, 2019

Summarising a Story

Today we read Slinky Malinki Catflaps by Lynley Dodd and then P2/3 had to try and summarise the main points of the story using a comic strip. They all got a turn of explaining their storyboards and their presentations were very impressive. All spoke confidently and many gave compliments to others. It was lovely to see them being so supportive to each other. Here are some of the children in action!
After another fantastic Nativity performance,P2 went to their Christmas party with P1 and P3 joined P4 for a dance lesson and boy can they move! After that they came outside for some games as it was a beautiful sunny day and they were all full of beans. They had a game of line tig, Ice-cream, What’s the Time Mr Wolf and human Rock/Paper/Scissors.
Today P2/3 made reindeer food and then made posters of the recipe. They also got rather excited when they spotted a beautiful rainbow when they were out for their daily mile this afternoon and then when it turned out to be a double rainbow then the whole school knew about it!